Wednesday, November 30, 2011

got you WiFi

            Well well today i had to make quotation for customer in Semarang, but i was in meeting with partner from HP too in a mall.
Ate Sushi in Takigawa, discuss about opportunities and all after all, in Takigawa no WiFi, I didn't take my modem in my bag too, Great! finally have to look for other restaurant to get WiFi and sent that quotation directly.
            Voila, got " Kopi Luwak", i asked the waitress about WiFi then she said " yes, we have WiFi " (with key security= kebunkopi). But yah you know, if we already sit down there of course we should order at least one in menu, i looked the cheapest one that's Espresso coffee with small cup and so bitter coffee which was 24.200 include tax.
         Wow very interesting moment, got you WiFi!
Quotation, Internet, Coffee, Bitter, Sweet, Small, Money, Trying = good combination of this day :)
Oh Espresso, you are so delicious :) but too small

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is it?

Why my title "What is it?" ,
Because I don't know too what's happen now, What is it?
Now 2.31 am. Watching Korean Drama "Lie to Me". Appear invisible to everyone in ym, so i can have concentration of the movie.
Hmm.. if you have a good relationship, a boyfriend (bf) i mean in far far away distance, what will you call to that relationship? "Long distance relationship" or" Feel same as being single" relationship?
When he said, he will call you, what you do ladies?
The answer is waiting, of course that's the rules, but when the man don't call you even text to you and not make your mobile phone alerting. What will you do ladies?
waiting again. wow, why ladies are loyal persons?
I wear White Teddy bear pajama and sit near the windows, look to the stars and look to the land of flowers. Waiting you, seems in the stars i can see your smile and in the garden i can smell your perfume. It's perfectly you around me.
Oh, what is it?

LOL, just my fingers are dancing in the keyboard of Thinkpad X100e, all just imaginary. don't worry. I am still

Monday, October 24, 2011

dbee in Password

Password is my first company that i joined after graduated.

I am in marketing department :) as an account manager. The team so friendly, all full of supports and smiles :) Our business in IT Solution for corporate, Password is a System Integrator company. 
What i am doing there? Looking for opportunities :)

Fig 1. Tools of mine in Password
Password make me learnt many things,
Products, Solutions, Relationships of team work, counting, margin, profits, quotations, follow up, reports, target, look for opportunities, tender(proposal) and visiting :)).

Events in Password,
Buka Bersama Puasa 2011, CEO's Birthday, Annual Meeting in Bogor.

Fig 2. Password Team
Even Password still minority but it have future minded, gonna growing like world that moving fast  in technology era.
Thank God i am here to got friends like them :)

Do the Best before you die.

Password website :  htpp://
Password Offering: 

- Hardware (Server, Storage, PC, Notebook dan Netbook, Printer, etc)
- Software (License, Antivirus, VMWare, Data Backup , Data Encryption, etc)
- Maintenance
- Infrastructure
- Networking
- Printing Solution
- Hardware Services
- Virtualization (VM Ware)
- Sistem Input Jarak Jauh secara Real Time

need my assistant in IT Solution? send me email: (hahah promo!!)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Daring of Good Bye

When that door open, i can see the light hit my eyes, wake up call to me.
 I can hear birds singing sweetly like harmony of cello.
I am curious what's happen outdoor there?

Oh, but if i went to the light, how bout here? Would the darkness allow me to leave?
But i can't stay any longer with you oh darkness,
I want escape and smell that outdoor air,
Please don't hold me anymore,
You're beautiful hands hurt me for long time,
Would you let me taste that light?
I don't care what you said about pain if i met light,
You said, i will die but i think i will die faster if  i am still with you,
Sorry to hurt you oh darkness,
Let the power of light make me blind,
so i won't able to see you again oh darkness.
I don't want to see your sadness that can make me stay with you.

Sorry to betray you,
I like you but allow me to explore days with the light,
From now,
Good bye.
Good Bye.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A New Day has Come

Wow it's a new day after water day case ( hehe >_< ) , 
Always be sweet gal honey (Mr. Raj's advice),
Focus to work (Hana's advice), 
Focus to Healthy Diet Program (Haahaa ^o^v Debora's advice ),
Focus to save money to travelling anywhere i want, i want to feel gone with the wind (so classic ^~^),
When i went to Church yesterday morning, The Father told about,
" God never give overload duty to you "
He know we can carry the best as we can be.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bittersweet Met Him

Figure 1. Yahoo Messenger  is the  machine that made me met him
This story begin because Yahoo machine made "Join A Room" to make friends, when just get bored i entered a room to walk around. Many questions and asking to be friends in list, i sorted it first. Then i met him, as usual say: "hey", "how r you?", "asl?", "hows life?", "wht do u do?", "can i add you?" till "can i c u c2c or pic?"
All was going well, we talked about anything in our life, our past day, our future, our differences in religion, culture, our families, we celebrated delicious cooking on Ramadan day in our family's house. It felt like something missing if i were not online a day and met him.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Petuah Bapak CEO

Fig 1. Don't forget to Smile
 Rabu (04/27) Saya melakukan wawancara di perusahaan System Integrator, tahap awal isi form biodata, lalu dilanjutkan wawancara oleh HRD yang ramah selama kurang lebih 30 menit, wawancara yang dilakukan seputar tutorial di google, seperti kelebihan, kelemahan, pekerjaan yang kau sukai, tak kusukai, contoh kasus dan bagaimana menanggapinya?

Hey Jakarta!

Minggu (04/24) tiba di Jakarta, kota maha karya yang dapat membuat decak kagum. 
Berdecak  karena wajahku menjadi begitu kotornya setelah berputar naik bajaj berbahan bakar gas (BBG) menuju Slipi dari Stasiun Senen ^^' ckckck, maklum saya bernapas dengan asap di kota ini bukan Oksigen, (haha bercanda ^0^). 
Kagum karena gedong-gedongnya tuuuuiiiingggiii... kebayang Kingkong naik ke gedung-gedung itu kayak apa jadinya? (haha.. movies imagination ^^,)
Kagum di kota ini kok banyak yang pamer mobil di jalanan ya? dari yang usia mobil tua hingga masih kinclong, pada seneng banget berjajar tampil disekitarku, wkwkwkw... dan aksi pamer mereka terkenal dengan sebutan "Maceeet lagiii Boooo??!!"  "('_')!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I Like My Country, Indonesia

           Writing inspiration in April Mop when i go to the Church with my mom.
        Just in My Country, Indonesia
I can hear "Adzan Maghrib" (Muslim Praying) Loudly when i prayed in the church (^^)v
and people in the church were in silence, peaceful and no comment. 
We are in good relations here. No war, even we are in different way.

I like my country, Indonesia.

Borobudur Temple, Indonesia

source pic:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beautiful day :) or busy day?

             My dreaming about GO out the box ( the box is Indonesia   XP )  in my head still on fire. Till now I still look for chances to get scholarships :D. You know, I know that if you want to be accepted in another country you have to struggle with others too. Preparing all the stuffs, TOEFL Certificate, Letter of Recommendation, Medical check up, Study plan, Future/ Goal Plan and Introduce your self of course Diploma of graduated. Just now March 16, 2011 I have sent applicant forms to Seoul, Korea and Indonesia - Ministry of Arts and Culture. 

              What I did before i sent it to the POSINDONESIA??

Figure1. dbee's graduation day
Figure 2. Diploma translated English

1. Happy Graduation day, then,
2. Need Diploma translated to English.
3. Need Letter of Recommendation  (from my advisor as my Lectures)

Figure 3. My very nice Lecture made Letter of Recommendation

4. Study about TOEFL to get min score 550 (Aaaarrrgh....  \*0*/   ), my TOEFL when i tested in BisTek got score 470, when I did in LTC i got 456   ~~ How Embarrassing of me =0
TOEFL I already spent money so much in Language Training Center (LTC) IDR 175.000, in Bisnis Teknologi (BisTek) IDR 70.000 for two tests. Sorry Mom and Dad.

5. Look for fare of delivery to other country in Post office, I asked about :
# how much the costs to Korea, China, Taiwan? 
the officer said: using EMS (It's like delivery packet fast to countries) IDR 97.700 for weight of document 250 grams.

# How long take it to the destination? 
the officer said:3-7 days
( I count the days with my fingers.. still can reach there or not?? coz i was not sure till now.. the deadline of Korea Scholarsip is March 22, I sent the documents on Wednesday (16/03) and will be departed on Thurs (17/03). Well, Only God knows. )

# What time the Post office still open?
the officer said: until 7 pm Miss :)
(I sent my document on 5.30 pm)
Figure 4. Post officer in Pos Indonesia
Figure 6. Sending
6. Packing the documents using Plastic.
Figure 5. Plastics all the documents
7. Sending, looking for fortune :D
8. Praying, Do the Best God Cs will do the rest.

Today is really wonderful day, with rainy came through and busy day to ask signatures from my lectures with busy day of them.... so, i had to go to -college to met one of them, 
-back to home to fix my Introduce self form -typed in computer- thought about good words, 
-back to College to take care Diploma translation- photo copied- waited- ,
-Home to cook for lunch,
-College asked signatures again- asked name card of Lectures
-Home cooking again, 
-Back to college again to took the fixed Diploma translation with stamp and signature from the registar.
-Home to feed chickens n stomach
-College in 2nd floor- asked last signature of the day.

After struggle day, i didn't sleep till morning, now 3.19 am. hahhaa.. i did uploaded Photos of graduation and typing beautiful day that God Cs give to me... so, yesterday and today is Beautiful day even it's busy day :D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fooling Time

~Fooling time~
             I am old lady with very young mind, we can say this case innocent. This year my age 24 years, wow.. what a big surprise!! No lover, No job, No real smile :D (hahaha..kidding.. i love true smiles). I was fresh graduate from private University in my small city and i love to dream to reach sky like teenagers... Meet Prince Charming (in fact there are no Prince Charming, i already woke up about this fact), Go Round the world with Money in pockets ( i think this people dreams too).
            So, i decided to fulfill my second dream i have to get scholarship abroad!!! Really that's my dream... but you know things happened around me for few days, i met friends also unpredicted persons. My friends talked me to join job fair in my college, when i did, i had to prepared to make CV, Resume, interview also dizzy psycho test. My friends that joined it worried about unsuccessful accepted in the Firms, but coz i am in fooling time to reach my second time, i just worried about if i could be accepted by Firms... lolz.. I will be so confused to explain Firms about my willingness to study again to get Master by abroad scholarship, I was afraid will be get fine if i were in contract work. hahahaha.. Fooling time.
No worry about jobless. Funny time.
              Then my mom worried about my age and my fool dream (i said it second dream), she wanted me to look for jobs quickly coz i am getting older, no Firms will accept me later. oooh. God. What should I do? Worrying mom became stronger coz she met unpredicted person that i already said above, unpredicted person told about her successful sons and gave advises to me about keep ages coz, time is faster now, better look for jobs for this time.
Oh God........
Fooling time for me and for friends that have same situation to me...
Let's find what we want to, we are Firework!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hey!! i have Been Graduated!

            Miracle, Amazing, I have been graduated!
at 24 January 2011
Pic 1. Nervous before my turn to test
I was waiting in nervous condition and really made me lost much energies. wow..
Pic 2. Presenting
Pic 3. My lovely supporters
               What else i can say, Thank You Jesus Cs that bring me this air, victory air..
But i know, it's just beginning. I have to struggle another challenges :)
I believe i can because You are always beside Me and send me signs by friends, parents also pets :D

Thank you,

Elisabeth Theresia Debby Iriani,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sebelum Hari H- 2

Sebelum Hari H-

Perasaan terus Mual ,
Perut tak beralasan Mulas ,
Kepala berasa tak tentu arah Memutar,
Ada Apa denganku??
Gambar 1. Stressed mode on
              Sebegitu membuat stress kah sebelum Hari H- ??
Hingga tubuhku pun ikut-ikutan tak dapat diprediksi seperti pertanyaan Penguji kelak.
Hari ini, aku masih bertenaga dan akan belajar semampunya dan semampusnya. Hari 'H' adalah momok dan hidupku Pasrah di Ruang Sidang nanti.
            Aku akan dicecar pertanyaan yang kadang masuk akal, tapi terkadang akalku tak sampai karena segala gugup gumpita telah menelanku bulat-bulat. Pertanyaan prediksi telah aku siapkan dan sebelum hari H- rasa itu datang lagi, resah, gundah gulana menggelayut dalam hati dan pikirku.
Segala dukungan dan doa selalu menyertaiku, hilangkan sedikit penat pikir. Semoga tak berlarut segala cepat panikku ini. Aku berasa aneh, kenapa tidak santai saja menghadapi Ujian?
Aaah....., Apapun yang terjadi seperti kata semua teman dan orang sekitar,
"Do Your Best and God will Do The Rest, Deb!!"

"Tenang aja, Anak Tuhan pasti Menang."

Yeah!! Aku Siap Menyambut gayung masa depan dari 2011 ini.

            Thanks teruntuk Orang tua terkasih beserta keluarga baik yang berisi Eyang2 paling perhatian, adik2 tercinta dengan tante Om, kawan-kawan terhebat, Dosen pembimbing yang tak ada kata lelah membimbing dan terutama dan utama Tuhan Jesus Cs (Bunda Maria, Para Malaikat, Orang-orang Kudus serta para saudara-saudari yang telah meninggal dalam Roh Kudus dan telah sudi mendoakan saya disini).