People to People from Ebony Brown on Vimeo.
Mr D@vex, i met him @ anybody out there (AOT) sites, he is really nice person, always laugh whatever we talked about and also have great heart. He is chairman of K@trina Ch@rity of @ngels, foundation for premature babies, he and his little team collect pennies no charge, all for premature babies. They give their time for free and make another donation of £600, what a great news (^.^)v
We still keep in touch using gmail and sometimes back to AOT inbox and cheer up each other. Best of luck for your kindness Mr. D@vex. Thanks for all advices and knowledges. Nice to know people like you. Bless you.
cheques and postal order donations can be made to:K@trin@ Ch@rity of @ngels
260 wheelwright lane Ashgreen Coventry CV7 9HS
call him, Mr. Dave: +447982744836